My first day in church was on Easter Sunday which is barely a month ago and since I located this commission God has blessed me with numerous uncommon blessings. For 6 months I did not attend any church service but since I and my wife located this commission, God has protected my family, changed my story and made me a better person. I was starving before I came to this church but right now I am feeding very well after practicing what we are taught here. I am a solar Engineer trained in America and Germany but I don’t get jobs and cannot provide for my family but God changed my story since I joined DAYSPRING. I paid my highest tithe ever in Dayspring and God opened the door of testimonies for me. Many doors that were shut before now have been thrown open. I now travel frequently as a result of the queue of jobs I have to deliver on which never came before I joined Dayspring. I thank God for leading me to this Ministry.

Bro Emmanuel Atta


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